
Lilyvale Solar Farm is located around 50km north-east of Emerald, near the village of Tieri, in the Central Highlands region of Queensland. The site covers approximately 387ha of rural land currently used for cattle grazing.

Always looking for the best emplacement

  • The choice of location for the Solar Farm is driven by two main factors. Firstly, this location has among the highest levels of solar irradiation in Australia. Secondly, the site is excellently located for exporting the solar farm’s electricity into the national electricity grid
  • Aside from this, the site is relatively flat, has good accessibility from an existing road, Oaky Creek Rd, and due to its history of use for cattle grazing the project will have limited environmental impact.
  • In January 2015, FRV received a determination from the Australian Department of the Environment that the proposed project is not a controlled action, and can proceed without further assessment under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EBPC Act).